Pave-N-Turf Celebrates our Veterans – It`s Because of You…

Happy military family reunion with soldier in uniform lifting a young girl, with a woman smiling, and 'PAVE-N-TURF - Honoring All Who Served' text, depicting support for veterans.

You know who you are…

Do you get choked up when the National Anthem plays? Does the flag take on new meaning after you’ve been on the battlefield far from home in enemy territory? Do you remember how good it felt after deployment to once again step back onto American soil and be surrounded by your loved ones? You did your part. You may still actively be doing your part.

In gratitude and appreciation, we thank you for protecting our freedoms. You understand freedom at a deeper level than most. You recognize the costs more than many others do. You have defended our country in body and soul. Your heart embraces patriotism in a way that is personal and may not be easily understood by others.

Who do you know?

Take a moment and think of a veteran you know who was willing to give their life for your freedom. As if you were the only person they were fighting for. Breathe a prayer of sincere gratefulness for their contribution. Send them love in your thoughts and bless them with heartfelt appreciation. Support, encourage, enfold our veterans in any way that you can…today and throughout the year. Respect, honor, and celebrate each of them for their loyalty and dedication.

Pave-N-Turf honors all American military veterans now serving, or who have served, in the United States Armed Forces. Whether living or deceased, during war or peacetime, American veterans have helped to attain and uphold our country’s freedom. They are all heroes.

On the home front….

Every citizen of the U.S. can be grateful for not only the sacrifices of our veterans, but also for the sacrifices of their families. As a veteran family you have felt the void while your loved one was overseas. Or you endured a profound loss. Perhaps you celebrated the return of someone special with excitement and joy. Thank you all for your sacrifices. We value you. It is these brave service members and families that we salute and celebrate this Veterans Day.

The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month….

Veterans Day originally recognized the official end of World War 1 on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 when the Armistice (Latin for “stoppage of arms) with Germany went into effect. A year later Armistice Day was observed, and then became a legal holiday in 1938 by an act of Congress to be celebrated each year on November 11th. Initially Armistice Day was to pay tribute to those who died in WWI, but in 1945 it became a day to recognize all veterans.

In 1954 the name was changed to Veterans Day and today we acknowledge our gratitude for the almost 20 million veterans who have served or are still serving. Your love shown for the United States of America is tangible. It is appreciated. It is sometimes overwhelming to understand for those who have stayed behind. Your dedication, allegiance, and courage have not gone unnoticed. We are who we are today because of men and women like yourself who have defended all that America is and can be. We reflect on the peace, prosperity, and purpose which has come our way because of your heroism. We are proud of you, of being an American, and of the heritage so many have built one life at a time.

What now?

Yet, we know the challenges you faced overseas may follow you to your own shores in different scenarios and in different places…but they are challenges, nonetheless. It has been said many times that our freedoms aren’t free. You may still be paying the price for those “freedoms”. A veteran’s family may still be heartbroken over their loss. Pave-N-Turf commemorates you and your family. Even today, roughly 7.3% of the U.S. population are veterans. We want you to know we appreciate you and what you have done on our behalf as a nation, as a company, and as individuals.

What about those who return to civilian life after the intensity of serving? Did you know that there are 2.52 million veteran-owned businesses in the United States? Or that 5.03 million employees work in veteran-owned businesses? Or that veteran-owned businesses generate annual revenues of $1.14 trillion?  In fact, Pave-N-Turf’s owner and founder is an American Army Airborne Veteran and holds strongly to the qualities of dependability, integrity, and attention to detail that he learned during his service to our country.

Pave-N-Turf – A veteran owned company

As a family owned and operated company, Pave-N-Turf hires veterans to bring the best service and professional quality of work to our clients – especially for our expanding commercial application and products division. The caliber of a veteran’s work ethic is something we look for when hiring our employees.

In the private or public sector, in the workforce as an employee or entrepreneur, or caring for loved ones at home, veterans are the backbone of an economic force recognized around the world. Whether you have served in the Army, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Navy, or National Guard, Veterans Day is your day. You have made it possible for each of us to enjoy “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

And your part?

While you may not have been a member of the Armed Forces, you can encourage those who have. Support your local veteran owned businesses. Find one in your area, and even if it is just for today, take the time to swing by and buy that cup of coffee or request a repair for whatever needs fixing. Here is a list of veteran owned companies by location and category so you can see how easy it is to participate. In fact, you may be surprised by how many there are to choose from! American Veteran Owned Business Association’s Business Directory

If you are a business owner, recognize the sought-after skills a veteran will bring to your business and move their name to the top of your short list for an upcoming position. Your business will be stronger by hiring a veteran because they have been trained to be great employees.

The veteran difference…

Veterans are committed to excellence and focused on the mission. In combat situations in the midst of extreme pressure, the mission was preeminent first and always. Just think how far that laser focus will go in advancing your own business!

When we think of our nation’s service members, leadership, loyalty, and discipline often stand out as qualities we admire. Their problem-solving, critical thinking, and analytical skills have been tested in the most challenging of circumstances. Creating and executing a plan had serious ramifications – technical skills and discernment provided a compelling foundation.

Veterans have been trained to work well in an atmosphere of teamwork and foster inclusion of every team member. The friendships, the camaraderie, the bonds. Veterans have learned how to manage relationships, negotiations, and crisis situations. They are masters at delegating while concurrently accepting authority. Would that each of us exemplify such strong attributes as those of our veterans.

Upholding America’s Economic and National Security…

Constantly moving from one living situation to another around the globe, a veteran’s adaptability skills work overtime in unfamiliar or new environments. Incorporating veterans into your workforce is a win for you, the veteran, and America. Our Economic and National Security is built upon the strength of our armed forces. Our military protects and advances the interests of the United States against any threats to block our Economic or National Security. Thank you from the Pave-N-Turf team to all of you who have been the foundation of our country’s might and international esteem so that we can all live in prosperity.

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